Dr Francis Fontan passed away on January 14, 2018 at age 88. He saved countless lives, including mine as one of the original Fontan recipients in the 80's!
I am 36 years post Fontan and still going strong with original heart. I have had a blood clot in my Fontan and a couple scares of more incidences through the years, but no confirmed clot, tearing, or other issues with my tunnel. If you get the chance to see the actual Fontan tunnel at a CHD event or surgery consult it is SO cool to see what's inside of many of us!
Learn more about my full detailed medical story by ordering Quieting the Clock: Memoir of A Girl Facing Death and Chasing Freedom.
As one of the first of many Fontan guinea pigs, I thank you for inventing the only other alternative to surviving with Complex Congenital Heart Disease, besides a heart transplant, in the 80s. Now because of you, millions of CHD survivors are defying the odds and out-living our life expectancies, creating statistics, and leaving our CHD Legacy for the next generations.